Posts in Louisiana Farm Bureau
Nomination Deadline For Louisiana Agriculture Hall Of Distinction Approaching

The Louisiana Agriculture Hall of Distinction is still accepting nominations through Dec. 3 for its induction ceremony, which will be held March 24, 2022, in Baton Rouge.

The nomination form can be found online at or at any parish LSU AgCenter extension office.

The nomination form should include the nominee’s major contributions to Louisiana agriculture, any leadership roles, honors and awards received by the nominee, and significant civic and public service accomplishments performed by the nominee.

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Back From the Brink, Farm Couple Rebuilds After Hurricane Devastation

Sky darkens, rain pours, wind blows and a hurricane roars, leaving in its wake mangled buildings, roofless grain bins, and uprooted foundation pillars. Barns, shops, equipment—gone. In 2020, Brandon Vail’s farm life was rolled by devastation on a grand scale. Pile on a truck accident from which he crawled from a crushed tin can to survive by a wafer-thin margin—and the pill of 2020 is all the more bitter.

Yet, mettle takes the day. Knocked to the mat in 2020, Vail found his feet, emblematic of the resilience of Louisiana farmers forced to reckon with another wrecking ball. Farming just 20 miles from the Gulf of Mexico in the teeth of hurricane country, battling saltwater creep and mosquito plagues, Vail is pushing back with grit against the elements. He will rebuild. “I belong here on this dirt,” he says. “I belong.”

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Farmers Frustrated at Disaster Assistance in the Aftermath of Hurricane Laura

More than one year after Hurricane Laura caused more than $1.6-billion in damage to the state’s agriculture industry, some farmers say assistance has been inadequate.

“It’s very slow to get any type of aid in your pocket,” said farmer Brandon Vail. “It's not a cheap deal to rebuild and rebuilding is going to take several years.”

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La. Farm Bureau President Harper: "Grassroots Advocacy Finally Coming to Fruition"

The continuing resolution passed by Congress September 20, 2021 to fund the federal government included $10 billion to fund the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus, better known as WHIP+. This funding is important for Louisiana’s farmers and ranchers affected by the 2020 hurricanes Laura, Delta and Zeta, as well as the 2021 ice storm.

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Politics Prioritized Over Aid, Despite Rep. Letlow’s Best Efforts

This week, the House Agriculture Committee passed its portion of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, including more than $94 billion in new spending related to agriculture.

For Louisiana, there is a glaring hole in that spending plan as it is lacking supplemental disaster assistance for farmers and ranchers after Hurricane Ida ravaged the state last month.

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Hay on the Way to Cattle Stranded by Ida; Here’s How to Help

Bales of hay are headed to Plaquemines Parish to help cattle and horses impacted by Hurricane Ida.

The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry says that the hay will be used to feed cattle and horses stranded following the storm.

LDAF says the delivery was made possible thanks to their partners at the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, Louisiana Cattlemen's Association, the LSU AgCenter, Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association Equine Committee, Texas Equine Veterinary Association, Texas A&M Veterinary Association and The Foundation for the Horse.

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LFBF Disaster Relief Fund for Hurricane Ida

Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana exactly 16 years after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast. Ida’s 150 mph winds make it equal in strength and intensity as 2020’s Hurricane Laura and the 1856 storm that hit the community of Last Island. All three are tied as the strongest hurricanes to ever make landfall in Louisiana. Ida’s winds toppled electrical transmission lines that provide power to grain export facilities and small family farms alike. Ida’s storm surge sent cattle to higher ground along levees with hardly any forage and even less fresh water. Homes are damaged or destroyed. Our farmers and ranchers will feel the economic and psychological effects of this storm through this harvest season and beyond.

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