La. Farm Bureau President Harper: "Grassroots Advocacy Finally Coming to Fruition"

The continuing resolution passed by Congress September 20, 2021 to fund the federal government included $10 billion to fund the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus, better known as WHIP+. This funding is important for Louisiana’s farmers and ranchers affected by the 2020 hurricanes Laura, Delta and Zeta, as well as the 2021 ice storm.

Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper issued this statement following the resolution’s passage:

“Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is pleased to see the work of grassroots advocacy finally coming to fruition through the addition of agriculture disaster aid for our members to the continuing resolution passed by Congress this week. While this C.R. is focused on keeping the government funded for a 9 week period, a welcomed addition for Louisiana’s farmers and ranchers is the appropriation for disaster aid to the agricultural community.

“Immediately after Hurricanes Laura, Delta, and Zeta in 2020, LFBF began to engage our delegation and organizational partners in D.C. to voice the needs of our farmers and ranchers asking for an extension of the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+) to cover 2020 losses. While crop insurance and other Farm Bill safety net measures protect crops from disaster, the coverage proved to be inadequate in the wake of storms like those Louisianans encountered.

“As advocacy efforts continued, so did the storms. 2021 began with a winter storm and freezing weather that impacted many parishes across the state. Around this same time, Congresswoman Julia Letlow was sworn in to serve Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District and was seated on the House Agriculture Committee. From day one, Congresswoman Letlow has time and again voiced the disaster impacts farmers and ranchers were facing across Louisiana, asking her colleagues to join her in efforts to send much needed relief to disaster impacted farms not just in Louisiana; but across the country.

“While the House Ag Committee was able to advance these efforts in July with the passage of H.R. 267 from Committee, it has been unable to find the House floor until now. Hurricane Ida has also joined the list of severe needs, and thankfully this legislation will cover both 2020 and 2021 storms.

“Congress continues with a heavy calendar of important issues, with debate continuing over infrastructure and the budget reconciliation process. Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation will continue to advocate for our policy priorities in these arenas as well – but for now, we say thank you. Finally.”