Posts in Forestry
What Do Tariffs Mean for Louisiana Lumber?

Dr. Mike Strain, Louisiana’s Agriculture Commissioner, discusses the impact of tariffs on the state’s agriculture and seafood industries. He emphasizes the importance of promoting local seafood, which is a significant part of Louisiana’s economy, contributing about $1.6 billion annually. Strain highlights the need to enjoy and support local seafood, such as crawfish, shrimp, and crabs, which are currently abundant and reasonably priced.

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State Rep. Mike Johnson Says Funding is Needed to Take Down Trees Infested with Pine Beetles

State Representative Mike Johnson from Pineville says more than 12 million malnourished trees from the 2023 drought that have become infested with pine beetles need to be taken down. Johnson says Cleco and the Louisiana Department of Transportation have started the process by removing dead trees along roads and highways, but more needs to done with trees on private property.

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Louisiana Paper Mill to Close, Lay Off 450 Workers

Some 450 employees of a Natchitoches Parish paper mill will lose their jobs by the end of April after their parent company announced the facility’s pending closure Thursday.

International Paper is shutting down its Red River Mill in Campti that makes containerboard, as well as a recycling plant in Phoenix, a box-making plant in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, and sheet feeder facility in St. Louis.

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ForestryAvery Davidson
USDA Grants More Than $70 Million to Protect Crops and Natural Resources

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing an investment of more than $70 million in 357 projects in Fiscal Year 2025 through the 2008 Farm Bill’s Plant Protection Act’s Section 7721 program. The work will strengthen the country’s defenses against plant pests and diseases, safeguard the U.S. nursery system, and enhance pest detection and mitigation efforts. Universities, states, Tribal organizations, federal agencies, and others will manage these projects in 49 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

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Forestry, USDAAvery Davidson
Many Factors Go into Measuring Trees' Value

Sometimes people will ask, “What’s an acre of trees worth?” Obviously, a regular reader of Forest & People magazine would know that to answer that question, we need more information, which would be obtained on site.

Inputs like tree size, vigor, form, number of trees per acre is information that is generally collected with a timber cruise. Now is a good time to go over some of the basics of forest measurement.

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USDA Requests Input on Environmental Impacts of the Tree Assistance Program and Farm Storage Facility Loan Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) welcomes input on the assessment of environmental impacts on two programs – the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) and Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) program. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting comments until Jan. 18 on its draft programmatic environmental assessments. The TAP environmental assessment includes updates to streamline the program and enable a quick response to natural disasters. The FSFL environmental assessment recommends continuing the program as currently administered.  

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USDA, Forestrydon molino
Honoring the Tree Farmer of Year

Covering 862 woodland acres in East Feliciana Parish, The Shades Plantation has been a witness to Louisiana’s history since the 18th century.

Located near the community of Wilson, the plantation was established by Alexander Scott in 1796, whose family first landed on America’s East Coast from Galway, Scotland in 1690. Nine generations later, this unique place remains in the hands of a Scott descendant, Jackie Berger Harvey, who continues to nurture this remarkable family legacy.

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