Posts in Specialty crops
Educational Pumpkin Patch Opens in Evangeline Parish

Clint and Raquel Manuel, co-owners of Manuel Farms Cattle Co., recently announced the opening of a new educational pumpkin patch in Evangeline Parish, designed specifically for local school field trips. This fall, the Manuels are inviting preschoolers, homeschool co-ops, and small educational groups to experience the magic of agriculture through a hands-on, interactive pumpkin patch experience.

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Customer, Vendor Bonds Key Ingredient of Alexandria Farmers Market's Success

Every Tuesday from 3 to 6 p.m., the parking lot across from First United Methodist Church on Jackson Street bustles with the activity of the Alexandria Farmers Market.

And starting Tuesday (Sept. 3) it will be bustling with even more activity as it prepares to celebrate its 10-year anniversary at each market throughout September, with several special activities planned for each Tuesday of the month.

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Agreement Finalized on Future of Grow Dat Urban Farming in City Park

City Park Conservancy (CPC) and Grow Dat Youth Farm finalized a cooperative endeavor agreement (CEA) to keep urban farming at its current New Orleans City Park location for years to come.

“We appreciate the collaboration with Grow Dat and board support to develop this agreement and keep urban farming in the Park,” said City Park Conservancy President and CEO Rebecca Dietz.

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Cultivating Change: NRCS and Producers Pave the Way for Sustainable Agriculture

On June 26th and 28th, NRCS was invited to participate in farm tours for the No-Till Organic Market Garden (OMG) NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) project. The purpose of these tours was to collect soil samples and have discussions about soil health plans with producers who are committed to sustainable agriculture. The program supports a diverse group of small-scale, urban, beginning farmer and ranchers measuring their production over a three-year period with help from the NRCS. We visited several notable farms, including: James Price, 3P Farm; Samantha Starkey, Starkey Farmstead; Sierra Torres & Becks Hilliard, Cicada Calling Farm & Market; Donna Isaacs & Waylon Breaux, DeLaTerre Permaculture Farm; and Anthony Hoff, Heart & Harvest Homestead. They have all been embracing and implementing no-till and organic practices.

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USDA Announces Changes to Enhanced Coverage Option Insurance Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced changes to the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) beginning with the 2025 crop year. USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) is expanding coverage options to additional crops as well as increasing premium support to make the policy more affordable for producers.

“The Risk Management Agency is continually responding to producer needs and adapting our insurance coverage options to give producers more choices when it comes to managing their risks,” said RMA Administrator Marcia Bunger. “This expansion is part of RMA’s larger effort to provide more options for specialty crop producers.”

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USDA Announces August 14 Application Deadline for Emergency Relief Program Assistance for Commodity and Specialty Crop Producers Impacted by 2022 Natural Disasters

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the deadline for commodity and specialty crop producers to apply for the Emergency Relief Program (ERP) for 2022 natural disaster losses is Aug. 14, 2024. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) began accepting ERP 2022 applications in October 2023.

“If natural disasters impacted your farm or ranch in 2022, there’s still time to submit your application for Emergency Relief Program assistance,” said Ronald Guidry, Jr., FSA State Executive Director for Louisiana. “Don’t delay. Gather up your documents and contact your local FSA office to complete the application process.”

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LSU AgCenter Pays Tribute to Avoyelles Parish Sweet Potato Industry with Release of New, Early-maturing Variety

It can be harvested up to 30 days sooner than other sweet potatoes. It is a high yielder and tastes great, though its skin is a shade lighter than the sweet potatoes many Louisianans are accustomed to.

It’s the LSU AgCenter’s newest sweet potato variety, Avoyelles — named for the parish where scientists initially saw its potential and a parish that has played a central role in the state’s sweet potato industry for decades.

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When You Don't Know What to Make for Dinner, Fullness Farm Always Has the Answer

The general concept of Fullness Farm is simple.

Grant and Allison Guidroz grow seasonal, organic produce and vegetables, pick it, wash and bag it, and then bring it to weekly distribution points for their subscribers to pick up.

What sounds easy requires a lot of work leading to the end product, but the Guidrozes aren't complaining. This is what they signed up for in college.

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Louisiana Finally Fixes America's Dumbest Licensing Requirement

America's most insane occupational licensing law is about to get a whole lot better.

Louisiana is the only state in the country that requires florists to be licensed by the government. A bill that is now on the way to Gov. Jeff Landry's desk sadly won't change that fact, but it will eliminate the mandatory test that prospective florists in Louisiana must pass before being allowed to earn a living by placing different types of flowers together in an arrangement.

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The Incredible Farm In Louisiana Where You Can Pick Buckets Of Berries

Just after the strawberry season ends in Louisiana, the blueberry season begins! Blueberries are a popular pick-your-own-berry in Louisiana, and Bachman Blueberries is the place to go. The blueberry season in Louisiana typically lasts from June through July, so make some time to visit this berry farm in Louisiana soon!

Bachman Blueberries is a farm in Bush, Louisiana where visitors can pick their own blueberries.

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USDA Accepting Applications to Help Cover Costs of Organic, Transitioning Producers

Agricultural producers and handlers who are certified organic, along with producers and handlers who are transitioning to organic production, can now apply for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program (OTECP) and Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP), which help producers and handlers cover the cost of organic certification, along with other related expenses. Applications for OTECP and OCCSP are both due October 31, 2022. 

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Southern Blight Presents Challenges for Louisiana Growers

Louisiana’s warm, humid weather provides a conducive environment for plant pathogens to quickly establish and spread. As a result, an important plant disease called southern blight has started to show up in Louisiana vegetable and ornamental production.

Southern blight is caused by the soilborne fungus Athelia rolfsii (Sclerotium rolfsii). The pathogen has a wide host range and is known to cause disease on various economically important vegetables (cucurbits, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes) and ornamental plants.

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