Posts in Dairy
USDA to Measure Crop Production Throughout the Growing Season

How will this year’s weather conditions affect crop production? The Monthly Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey U.S. farmers beginning July 30, 2022, regarding yields of the major row crops throughout the growing season across the United States.

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Louisiana Milk Production Report: July 2022

Louisiana milk production during the April - June 2022 quarter was 32.0 million pounds, down 9 percent from the same period in 2021 and down 3 percent from the January - March quarter. The average number of milk cows on farms during the quarter was 9,000 head, 500 head lower than the same period last year but unchanged from the previous quarter.

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Sign Up Now For Dairy Margin Coverage Program

USDA opened sign-up for the Dairy Margin Coverage program and expanded the program to allow dairy farmers to better protect their operations by enrolling supplemental milk production.

The sign-up period, which started Dec. 13, runs through Feb. 18. The sign-up allows farmers to get coverage through this important safety-net program for another year, as well as get additional assistance through the new Supplemental DMC.

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Dairy, USDAdon molino
Southeast Research Station Focuses On Dairy

Tucked in the rolling hills of Washington Parish sits the LSU AgCenter Southeast Research Station. Pastures, barns and a milking parlor dot the landscape as do the dairy cows that are the focus of the research at the station.

Established in 1944, the station opened at a time when many families in the Florida Parishes had at least a few dairy cows. The Franklinton Chamber of Commerce had been working for several years to get an experiment station in the area to conduct research applicable to dairy and beef cattle.

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LSU AgCenter, Dairydon molino
Supply Chain Chaos Isn't Sending Record Dairy Demand on a Detour, Why Experts Say It's Been No Easy Feat

Dairy demand has been a bright spot for agriculture the past two years, and supply chain hurdles haven’t curbed the record demand so far. The hunger for dairy products internationally is on pace to set new records in 2021, as much of that added demand is due to China.

In total, it’s estimated a day's worth of U.S. milk production each week goes to exports, which equates to nearly $6.5 billion in U.S. dairy products, which are sent to 133 countries. The top buyer of U.S. dairy products is China, which has been on a buying spree lately. U.S. dairy exports to China were up 32% during the first half of the year on a milk equivalent basis.

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Dairykristen oaks
Americans Expected to Purchase 161 Million Pounds of Butter for the Holidays

Home baking is back in full swing during the holiday season, and Americans are expected to purchase 161 million lb. of butter between the second week of November through Christmas. That’s enough to bake more than 11 billion butter cookies!

While butter sales usually increase during the holidays, the pandemic, which spiked a rebirth of home cooking, has also caused butter sales to grow significantly year-round, according to a Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin press release. With home cooking and baking on the rise, the organization has seen a 400% spike in recipe searches over the course of the pandemic.

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Dairykristen oaks
How Hurricane Ida Hurt Farmers: Wrecked Barns, Ruined Crops, Thousands of Gallons of Lost Milk

As Tangipahoa Parish residents sheltered in place as Hurricane Ida hit, Susie and Harrell Sharkey were fretting over their cows. The Sharkeys have been in the dairy farming business for more than 40 years — one of a dwindling number of milk providers in the state. Their 110 dairy cows need to be milked twice a day, and as the 2 a.m. feeding approached during the storm, a piece of their pump broke.

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Dairy, Weatherkristen oaks
USDA Improves Dairy Safety Net and Details Pandemic Aid Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released the details of the Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program as part of meetings with farmers and a tour of farms with U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy from Vermont.

In June, Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack committed to providing additional pandemic assistance for dairy farmers in an exchange at a hearing with Leahy, who is the Senate Appropriations Committee chairman. Through the program, the USDA will provide about $350 million in pandemic assistance payments to dairy farmers who received a lower value for their products due to market abnormalities caused by the pandemic. The assistance is part of a larger package including permanent improvements to the Dairy Margin Coverage safety net program.

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USDA, Dairykristen oaks