Posts in Labor
Thank You, Farmworkers

Farmworkers, today we appreciate you. Your hard work may often be behind the scenes but please know that it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Today may be Farmworker Appreciation Day, but every day anyone enjoys a meal is one we should be thanking a farmworker.  

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LaborAllie Shipley
US Department of Labor Announces Proposed New Rule to Strengthen Protections for Temporary Farm Workers

The U.S. Department of Labor proposed a new rule that would strengthen protections for farm workers in the H-2A program and help prevent abuses that undermine wages and standards for all agricultural workers.

The proposed rule would add new protections for worker self-advocacy, better protect workers against retaliation, make foreign labor recruitment more transparent and enhance the department’s enforcement. This proposal builds on a final rule the department published in October 2022 that modernized key aspects of the H-2A program.

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LaborAvery Davidson
Senate Hearing Focuses On Need For Ag Labor Reform

The future of undocumented farmworkers and needed changes in securing agricultural labor were the focus of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on July 21 featuring over two hours of questioning of Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack during the first panel and additional testimony offered by the United Farm Workers as well as a pork producer and dairy farmer.

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Labordon molino
Ag Labor Solution Offered In House

A widely supported solution for ongoing agricultural labor woes – the Farm Workhouse Modernization Act – was reintroduced in the House Wednesday as Congress again looks to advance immigration reform. The bipartisan bill, which passed in the House in 2019 by a vote of 260-165, makes meaningful reforms to the H-2A agricultural guestworker program and creates a first-of-its-kind, merit-based program specifically designed for the nation’s ag sector.

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Labordon molino
2021 Mid-South Agricultural Labor Virtual Seminar Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Due to the COVID - 19 virus, the 2021 Mid South Agricultural Labor Seminar will be conducted this year as a Zoom Virtual Seminar on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. There is no registration fee to attend. This year, with new employer responsibilities due to the COVID virus, this year’s topics will focus on important current issues such as COVID pay, OSHA Regulations and Reporting Requirements and Housing.

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The 2021 AEWR Finally Revealed

With the release of USDA’s Farm Labor Survey on February 11, farmers that utilize the H-2A program finally know the minimum wage they must pay their H-2A workers in 2021. Usually, this wage rate, known as the Adverse Effect Wage Rate, is known when the Farm Labor Survey is released in November, but changes in policy that were proposed and then struck down in the courts over the last four months delayed the Farm Labor Survey’s release, which in turn held up the AEWR announcement. The FLS reveals an average increase of $0.63 per hour, or 4.5%, from 2020 to 2021, though there are considerable regional differences.

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