Sweet Potato Quality Analysis is Enhanced with Hyperspectral Imaging and AI
Sweet potatoes are a popular food choice for consumers worldwide because of their delicious taste and nutritious quality. The red, tuberous root vegetable can be processed into chips and fries, and it has a range of industrial applications, including textiles, biodegradable polymers and biofuels.
The study is part of a multi-state collaboration funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that includes researchers from Mississippi, North Carolina, Michigan, Louisiana and Illinois.
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Better Berries, Cold Tolerant Sugarcane, Precision Breeding Is Making It Possible
In a pocket of central Louisiana, a surprising crop for that area is taking root — sugarcane.
Sugarcane, a tropical crop, has traditionally been limited to south Louisiana. But by using precision breeding techniques, LSU AgCenter researchers are developing sugarcane varieties that can withstand colder temperatures.
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Nutritional Benefits of Strawberries
Strawberries can also guard against health conditions like cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
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Kicking Off Strawberry Season With Indian Village Harvest Farm
It is strawberry season in Louisiana! One patch just opened up in Calhoun.
The “u-pick” is a fun family activity heading into Easter weekend! Owners William and Rebecca Cook say the strawberry picking experience gets kids involved in agriculture.
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Louisiana Tech’s Fragrant, Colorful Greenhouses Featured in State Journal
Some of the most fragrant and scenic spots on campus, the Louisiana Tech greenhouses are featured in the most recent Journal of the Louisiana State Horticulture Society.
From begonias to basil, from moon vine to mustard, from lantana to lettuce, the University’s greenhouses bloom with both color and instruction.
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Edible Blue-Green Algae Protects Honey Bees Against Viruses
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service have developed an edible antiviral treatment that can be used to protect honey bees against deformed wing virus (DWV) and other viruses, according to a recent study published in Sustainable Agriculture.
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USDA Expands Insurance Option for Nursery Growers to All States
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expanding crop insurance tailored for nursery producers to all counties in all states. Nursery Value Select (NVS) is a pilot program that enables nursery producers to select the dollar amount of coverage that best fits their risk management needs. Its expansion is part of USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) efforts to provide insurance options for a broader group of producers, including specialty crop producers.
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Massive Blaze Trails Through Woods in Keithville
Fire has charred at least 100 acres of woods in Keithville’s Pecan Farms neighborhood.
The blaze behind a home in the 9600 block of Paula Street was reported about 2:20 p.m. Sunday (Feb. 25). It was moving very quickly through the woods due to very high winds, Caddo Fire District 4 reported.
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LSU AgCenter Administrator, Sweet Potato Researcher Honored By National Organization
A national sweet potato organization has honored Tara Smith, LSU AgCenter executive associate vice president and director of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service, for her leadership and extension and research efforts.
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Louisiana Farm Bureau seeks National Peanut Board Nominees
The Louisiana Farm Bureau has announced it is seeking eligible Louisiana peanut producers who are interested in serving on the National Peanut Board. The Louisiana Farm Bureau will hold a nominations election held jointly with New Mexico to select nominees for the National Peanut Board during a meeting to be held on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the LSU Ag Center - Morehouse County Agents Office located at 9609 Marlatt Street in Bastrop, La.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Investments to Strengthen U.S. Specialty Crops Sector
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced two U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) investments designed to support the U.S. specialty crops industry. The launch of the Assisting Specialty Crop Exports (ASCE) initiative will provide $65 million for projects that will help the specialty crop sector increase global exports and expand to new markets.
Additionally, today USDA is announcing $72.9 million in grant funding available to support the specialty crops industry through the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.
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Bourg Gardener Grows Gargantuan 44-pound Cabbage, Sets Louisiana Record
About 20 people gathered outside a Bourg home to take a small piece of an award-winning cabbage. Its outer leaves were roasted and placed in small aluminum foil envelopes.
"It's a family tradition that's supposed to bring you good luck," home gardener Jenny Bourg said.
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Louisiana HLB Quarantine Area Expanded
Federal agriculture officials, in cooperation with Louisiana agriculture officials, have established a federal quarantine area for huanglongbing (HLB; citrus greening), caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, in all of Saint Charles Parish in Louisiana.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) took the action in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF).
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Citrus Greening Quarantine Expanded in Louisiana
The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry have established a federal quarantine area for Huanglongbing, also known as HLB or citrus greening.
The quarantine is for Saint Charles Parish in Louisiana due to HLB detections in plant tissue samples collected in multiple locations during routine surveys and to prevent the spread of HLB to non-infested parts of the U.S., according to a news release.
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Select Scab-Resistant Pecan Varieties for Home Orchards
Pecans and pecan trees are quintessential parts of the southern diet and landscape, although, as reflected by its scientific name (Carya illinoinensis), the pecan tree’s native range extends beyond the South.
A primary criterion for choosing pecan varieties for yards and home orchards is resistance to a fungal disease called pecan scab.
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