Posts in 4-H
Union Parish 4-H Students at Clover College

Union Parish 4-H’ers had the opportunity to compete for best in state in more than 40 events ranging from plant identification, photography and fishing sports to speechmaking and fashion design. During 4-H U, participants were introduced to aspects of life that college students experience on an everyday basis. 4-H’ers had the opportunity to tour a working dairy, a biomedical center and athletic facilities.

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4-HAvery Davidson
Cajun Cuties Take Home Prize In 4-H Food Challenge

The Cajun Cuties, 4-H cooking challenge team from Winfield took home first prize in last weeks  4-H Food Pantry Challenge at the Mid-South Farm & Gin Show.

The team consisting of Emily Nevils, Emily Higginbotham, Elizabeth Page and Isabella Schilling from Winnfield Senior High School 4-H Club, Winnfield, La., were challenged by 4-H cooks from Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Tennessee, then evaluated by a panel of food industry judges considering 4-Hers knowledge and skills related to preparing nutritious foods.

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4-Hdon molino
Talent Pool: STEM Youth Make a Splash at the SeaPerch Regional Competition

Louisiana 4-H recently hosted 22 teams from 10 parishes at the LSU Natatorium for the SeaPerch regional competition, a showcase for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, programs.

SeaPerch challenges youth to build and engineer a submersible, remotely operated vehicle to complete a series of underwater challenges. More than 100 competed in this second year Louisiana 4-H has put on the event.

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USDA and LSU AgCenter Team Up for ASPIRE Internships

The LSU AgCenter is partnering with USDA to offer the ASPIRE [Agricultural Sciences Professional Internships in Research and Extension] Program during the summer of 2024. Undergraduate students (from any college or educational institution, including LSU) are encouraged to apply for various 10- week paid summer internships. There are internships focused in animal science, horticulture, 4-H, nutrition, entomology and aquaculture.

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Southwest District Livestock Show Contestants Build Connections and Learn Life Lessons

Lots of excitement is in Lake Charles as the Southwest District Livestock Show and Rodeo returns to Burton Complex.

The rodeo starts Thursday evening, but livestock shows are underway today.

We caught up with some who are showing their animals, and they say it’s a lot of work, but the relationships they build and the friendships they make are the best part.

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4-H, LivestockAvery Davidson
Ferriday Native Joins Trustee Board

The Louisiana 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees is welcoming two new members — a longtime 4-H volunteer from Tensas Parish and the CEO of one of the state’s largest agricultural equipment companies.

Kristen VandeVen, a technology consultant from Newellton originally from Ferriday, joined the board in October, and Rob Richter, the president and CEO of Sunshine Quality Solutions Inc. from Baton Rouge, will join in January.

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4-HAvery Davidson
Raised In Louisiana Special Shines the Spotlight on Students Competing in ALTAC Jr. Livestock Sale

One of the biggest days of the year for local students is almost here. It's when the best of the best compete in the ArkLaTex Agricultural Council's Jr. Livestock Sale at the State Fair of Louisiana.

It's set for Nov. 1 in the fairgrounds Sale Arena. Students from across the state have put in blood, sweat, and tears for months getting their show animals ready for auction. Prospective buyers will be on hand ready to offer up the highest bids.

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4-H, LivestockAvery Davidson