Posts in USDA
Congresswoman Letlow Makes Efforts to Expand Emergency Relief Benefits

Congresswoman Julia Letlow questioned the United States Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the steps his department was making to provide assistance for Louisiana farmers during a hearing on March 22.

During the hearing with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, Congresswoman Julia Letlow mentioned challenges that some Louisiana farmers are facing due to a drought in 2023. The USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack agreed to partner with Congresswoman Letlow on steps moving forward to assist Louisiana farmers who have faced challenges from the drought of 2023.

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USDAAvery Davidson
Shellfish Crop Insurance Program Offers Oyster Producers Needed Protection from Environmental Challenges and More

The new Shellfish Pilot Crop Insurance Program, offered through the USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA), offers you, as an oyster producer, needed protection from environmental challenges and it also allows you to insure for a higher price based on your personal sales records. You are now eligible for protection against losses due to named storms, excessive heat during a low tide event, freeze during a low tide event, or low salinity due to excessive rainfall.

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USDA Announces April '24 Lending Rates For Agricultural Producers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced loan interest rates for April 2024, which are effective April 1, 2024. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) loans provide important access to capital to help agricultural producers start or expand their farming operation, purchase equipment and storage structures or meet cash flow needs.   

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USDAdon molino
Feral Swine: Managing an Invasive Species

Feral swine—also known as wild pigs, wild boars, wild hogs, and razorbacks—are descendants of escaped or released pigs first brought to the United States by Europeans as a food source. They are a dangerous and destructive invasive species, and their populations have expanded across the country. Help us manage their damage.

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USDAAvery Davidson
Louisiana Rice & Grain Stocks: March 2024

Louisiana rough rice stocks in all positions on March 1, 2024, totaled 8.55 million hundredweight (cwt), up 13 percent from March 1, 2023. Stocks held on farms totaled 1.55 million cwt, up 7 percent from last year. Off farm stocks totaled 7.00 million cwt, up 14 percent from last year.

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Rice, USDAdon molino
Louisiana Prospective Plantings: March 2024

Louisiana corn producers intend to plant 560,000 acres, down 20 percent from the 700,000 acres planted in 2023. Upland cotton acreage intentions are at 140,000 acres, up 17 percent from the 120,000 acres planted last year. All hay acres expected to be harvested in Louisiana are estimated at 420,000 acres, up 30,000 acres from 2023.

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USDAdon molino
USDA Seeks Partnerships to Expand Conservation on Grazing Lands

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is investing up to $22 million in partnerships that expand access to conservation technical assistance for livestock producers and increase the use of conservation practices on grazing lands. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is accepting proposals through its Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) until Sunday, May 26, 2024. 

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USDAAvery Davidson
USDA Announces Renewable Energy Grant for Rural Parishes

Members of the U.S. Department of Agriculture visited LSU AgCenter facilities March 26 to announce a $166,668 technical assistance grant for rural Louisiana communities through its Rural Energy for America Program, or REAP.

The investment is meant to provide support to farmers, ranchers and rural small business owners seeking federal funds for renewable energy systems such as solar and other energy-efficient measures.

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US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Invest $166,668 to Louisiana State University through Rural Energy of America Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Louisiana State Director, Deidre Deculus Robert, will announce that USDA will invest $166,668 to Louisiana State University through the Rural Energy of America Program – Technical Assistance Grant (REAP TAG).

These funds will provide hands-on support to farmers, ranchers and rural small business owners seeking federal funds for renewable energy systems, like solar, and energy efficiency measures. This investment not only help producers and small businesses lower energy costs, but also access new markets and strengthen their operations.

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USDA Researchers Use an Edible Blue-Green Algae to Protect Honey Bees Against Viruses

Scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) developed an edible antiviral treatment that can be used to protect honey bees against Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) and other viruses, according to a recent study published in Sustainable Agriculture.

Honey bees are important agricultural pollinators. However, viruses, including DWV, are linked to the deaths of millions of colonies worldwide. DWV, like other viruses, is most often spread by Varroa mites who carry the disease inside them and infect bee colonies.

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USDAAvery Davidson
Applications for USDA Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants Due April 9

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications for grants to support urban agriculture and innovative production. Applications for USDA’s Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production grants are due April 9, 2024 via

“This grant program has proven very popular and impactful in recent years, and we look forward to partnering with more communities nationwide to strengthen local food systems and increase access to healthy foods,” said Terry Cosby, Chief of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.

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USDAAvery Davidson
US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Invest $166,666 to Louisiana Tech Through Rural Energy of America Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Louisiana State Director, Deidre Deculus Robert, will announce that USDA will invest $166,666 to Louisiana Tech through the Rural Energy of America Program – Technical Assistance Grant (REAP TAG).

These funds will provide hands-on support to farmers, ranchers and rural small business owners seeking federal funds for renewable energy systems, like solar, and energy efficiency measures.

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USDAAvery Davidson