Posts in Trade
Corn Standoff: When Could U.S. Growers Have an Answer on Mexico’s GMO Corn Ban?

The ongoing dispute with Mexico over genetically engineered corn has been a significant issue for some time.

U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Doug McKalip reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to resolving the issue, expecting a decision this fall. The dispute began after Mexico’s plan to block genetically engineered corn imports triggered concerns among U.S. corn growers. McKalip emphasized the broader impact on ag trade saying, “We cannot allow trading partners to play loose with the science.”

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Corn, TradeAllie Shipley
What Will the Collapse of Baltimore’s Key Bridge Mean for Agriculture?

On March 26, a container ship rammed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge resulting in the structure’s collapse and the tragic loss of six construction workers. Aside from the everlasting impacts to the families that lost loved ones, the destroyed bridge has physically cut off key coal, container and automobile terminals at the Port of Baltimore from the outside world. In 2021, the port’s terminals processed over 37 million short tons of combined import and export product. This ranks the Port of Baltimore 17th in terms of cargo throughput in the United States.

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TradeAllie Shipley
Total US Soy Exports Add $39.8 Billion To US Economy In 22/23

U.S. Soy complex exports (whole soybean, soybean meal and soybean oil) added $39.8 billion[1] to the U.S. economy in marketing year (MY) 22/23 on a volume of 67.6 million metric tons (MMT). The shining star: U.S. soybean meal exports broke records for both volume and value at 13.2 MMT and $6.91 billion, respectively.

“U.S. Soy exports in marketing year 22/23 were nothing short of extraordinary. A standout achievement was the record-breaking performance of soybean meal exports, reaching unprecedented volume and value levels,” said Steve Reinhard, United Soybean Board Chair and Ohio farmer.

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Soybeans, Tradedon molino
What Drought Means For Panama Canal & US Exports

Your immediate concern for 2024 may be whether soil moisture fully recharges in your area before spring. However, another far-reaching impact from the drought occurring thousands of miles from your farm could also influence grain prices. Lack of moisture also affects transportation options and costs for grain headed for export.

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Tradedon molino
Port of South Louisiana signs Memorandum of Understanding with Ukraine Sea Ports Authority

Today, the Port of South Louisiana (PortSL) and Ukraine Sea Ports Authority (USPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), launching a cooperative alliance directed at technical guidance toward planning, development, construction, administration, and operation and maintenance of port infrastructure, particularly when reconstruction begins in Ukraine. This non-binding agreement was signed by PortSL CEO Paul Matthews and USPA-head Yurii Lytvyn (not in attendance) and witnessed by Ukraine Consul General Vitalii Tarasiuk, Consul for Economic Issues Pavlo Moiseischenko, PortSL Commissioners Katie Klibert, D. Paul Robichaux, and Joey Murray, and PortSL staff.

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Tradekristen oaks
Why Does The Black Sea Grain Deal's Expiry Matter?

A deal allowing Ukraine to export grain via the Black Sea will expire at the end of Monday after Russia said it will suspend its participation.

The deal, brokered by the United Nations and Turkey last July, aimed to alleviate a global food crisis by allowing Ukrainian grain blocked by the Russia-Ukraine conflict to be exported safely.

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Tradedon molino