Posts in Sugarcane
Don’t Believe the Sourpusses; Domestic Sugar Farmers Prepared to Meet Holiday Needs

Louisiana’s sugar cane farmers and millers found it hard to take George Will’s “Sugar protectionism may sour holidays” column seriously.

Will invokes a scary image of candy rationing for American trick-or-treaters and Christmas angels. In Will’s world, candy makers believe the Grinch is hardworking sugar cane farmers and Congressional members who have steadfastly kept the Farm Bill safety net strong for United States agricultural production.

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Sugarcanekristen oaks
More Downtown Focus for 80th Sugar Cane Festival

As the Louisiana Sugar Cane Festival enters its 80th year of entertaining Teche Area residents, organizers are trying to consolidate the festival more into downtown New Iberia.

For Louisiana Sugar Cane Association President Lisa Norris, the effort is an attempt to bring the festival back to its roots. For years the festival has been spread out in various parts of the parish and bringing more events to the Main Street area.

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SugarcaneAvery Davidson
Louisiana Sugar Cane Farmers are Contesting with a Drought Unlike Any Other

Eddie Lewis III pulls up to his Youngsville farm in a large black Ford pickup truck, handing out gallon containers of water to his workers preparing land to plant the 2024 sugar cane crop. He’s surrounded by sugar cane, and because of a prolonged drought in Louisiana, the typically fully green stalks are beginning to yellow, a dying process that isn't supposed to happen until December.

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SugarcaneAvery Davidson
Here’s How the Heat and Drought are Affecting Crops and How it Impacts You

When you think about harvesting crops in Louisiana, you think about things like corn, sugarcane, and soybeans. And with the record-breaking summer heat, each of these crops are having a tougher time growing than in years past.

As the chairman of the Louisiana Beef Industry, John Thompson says he’s never seen his farmland as dry as it is in his 66 years. According to the Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry, the amount of money we’ve lost in the cattle industry is between $160 -- 260 million.

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Statewide Burn Ban Exempts Farmers, but the Dry Summer Still Poses a Threat

Droughts are an unusual problem in Louisiana where folks are accustomed to afternoon showers. For farmers, the drought can be harmful to crops is desperate need of water. 

Stephen Simoneaux is a sugarcane farmer in Belle Rose. He says the dry weather is concerning, and even though rainfall is usually a daily occurrence in the summer time, he says the drought shouldn't necessarily mean trouble for the crop yield statewide.

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SugarcaneAvery Davidson
Big on Bagasse

It was just over two years ago when Jeanerette, Louisiana-based Delta Biofuel and Gov. John Bel Edwards announced that Iberia Parish was under consideration for the site of a first-of-its kind, $70 million renewable fuel plant utilizing bagasse, a byproduct of sugar manufacturing. for fuel pellet production. This past July, the project—which was able to overcome challenges that included inflated project costs—finally broke ground. 

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Sugarcanekristen oaks