USDA Grant Funds Rice Resiliency Research
Four universities are participating in an effort through the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to improve the sustainability and profitability of rice farming as the staple grain grapples with extreme weather and climate challenges.
Scientists at Louisiana State University (LSU), the University of Arkansas, Mississippi State University (MSU) and Texas A&M University are part of a team awarded a four-year $10 million grant by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
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Gov. Edwards Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments
The Louisiana Rice Research Board was created by statute to conduct a program of research for the benefit of the Louisiana rice industry. Rice producers are assessed five cents per hundred weight at the first point of sale. The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry collects the assessments and remits to the Board.
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NASA Images Highlight Louisiana’s Flooded Rice Fields
This Feb 3, 2023, enhanced-color image from Landsat 9 highlights a green and blue patchwork pattern in flooded rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. Raised levees used for water management form the grid pattern between the fields, which appear dark blue.
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MSU Scientists Develop Climate Resilient Rice as Part of $10 Million Grant
Scientists at Mississippi State are part of a multi-institutional, $10-million effort to improve the sustainability and profitability of rice farming in the face of climate change.
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USA Rice Is Ready As China Reopens
Due to a strict zero-COVID policy, USA Rice has been unable to travel to China for the past several years. Those restrictions are now being relaxed and USA Rice contractors made an in-person trip here last month to meet with COFCO Group Beijing International Trading Co., Ltd (BDH) and China Agricultural Association for International Exchange (CAAIE).
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USA Rice, State Rice Groups Join Farm Bill Budget Request To Congress
USA Rice and all seven state rice organizations joined 400 other farm and agricultural groups in a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Budget Committees on Tuesday calling for additional funding for Congress to write the 2023 Farm Bill.
The USA Rice Farmers, the leading national organization representing rice farmers in all rice producing states, adopted policy this past December in favor of additional Farm Bill resources. Particular areas where funding is needed are the commodity title to improve the farm safety net and the trade title to increase funding for critical international promotion programs.
“USA Rice strongly supports additional funding for the Farm Bill as Congress begins its work on the 2023 Farm Bill,” said Curtis Berry, a Mississippi rice farmer and chair of the USA Rice Farmers. “Having an adequate farm safety net in the Price Loss Coverage program is the key priority for USA Rice and the additional Farm Bill funding would be instrumental to ensuring the program’s improvement.”
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Rice Planting Begins Across Louisiana, Texas And Florida
The 2023 rice crop is off to a promising start across southern regions in the U.S.
In Louisiana, ideal weather over the last few weeks gave growers the opportunity to be in the field with minimal interruptions. Some early rice was water seeded but a majority of acres have been dry seeded, with some fields already beginning to show emergence, or “marking lines.”
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Flooded Rice Fields In Louisiana
As the Mississippi River meandered through several southern states over tens of thousands of years, it left a valuable layer of fertile soil in its wake. This low-lying floodplain was once a forested wetland but is now home to most of the rice farms in the United States.
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LSU & Texas A&M Scientists To Explore Solutions For Rice Kernel Smut
While Texas rice growers face a stiff challenge to fend off yield- and profit-limiting kernel smut, Texas A&M AgriLife is quickly working to find a cure as part of a national collaborative research effort.
Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialists have joined forces with lead institution Louisiana State University in a project funded by a U.S. Department of Agriculture–National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant. The project goal is to improve rice farming sustainability and profitability.
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Calculating New Options For Shrinking Rice Fields
George Tibbitts, a third-generation farmer in Arbuckle, CA, has been growing rice on his 1,200-acre farm for three decades. His Sacramento Valley irrigation district, one of the oldest in the state, has long benefitted from senior water rights, which date back to 1914. The rights allow farmers such as Tibbitts to keep their fields flush with water, even in arid conditions.
But last year, with much of the state in extreme drought, he faced a career first: His district slashed water allocations by an unprecedented 90 percent, leaving him with little choice but to fallow all of his rice fields.
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Louisiana Rice Parish Estimates
This report contains the results from the 2022 December Agricultural and Row Crops County Agricultural Production surveys.
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USA Rice Outlines Trade and Transportation Priorities in Washington
A group of rice millers and merchants spent time visiting with officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs mission area, the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), and the Surface Transportation Board (STB) as part of USA Rice’s fly-in this week.
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USDA Encourages Rice Farmers To Prepare For New Rice Production Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today previewed plans to provide up to $250 million in assistance to rice farmers and what steps they can take to be prepared to sign up when the program is released later this spring. USDA is sharing information early so producers can prepare for program signup, which will include a pre-filled application in an effort to simplify and streamline the application process.
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Louisiana Annual Rice Meetings Return to Crowley
After more than a decade of meeting up the road in Jennings, the Louisiana Rice Council (LARC) and the Louisiana Rice Growers Association (LARGA) returned here to the International Rice Festival Building to hold their annual business meetings, talk about the coming year, and hear industry reports.
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Yield Potential and Fertilizer N Management in Rice
If we have a “normal” planting year in terms of acreage, about half of the fields being planted to rice will have been fallowed the previous year. We have been studying yield potential and nitrogen (N) management in fallowed vs. continuous rice for the past couple of years. Here is some of what we have found.
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