USA Rice, State Rice Groups Join Farm Bill Budget Request To Congress

By Jamison Cruce

USA Rice

ARLINGTON, VA – USA Rice and all seven state rice organizations joined 400 other farm and agricultural groups in a letter to the leadership of the House and Senate Budget Committees on Tuesday calling for additional funding for Congress to write the 2023 Farm Bill.

The USA Rice Farmers, the leading national organization representing rice farmers in all rice producing states, adopted policy this past December in favor of additional Farm Bill resources. Particular areas where funding is needed are the commodity title to improve the farm safety net and the trade title to increase funding for critical international promotion programs.

“USA Rice strongly supports additional funding for the Farm Bill as Congress begins its work on the 2023 Farm Bill,” said Curtis Berry, a Mississippi rice farmer and chair of the USA Rice Farmers. “Having an adequate farm safety net in the Price Loss Coverage program is the key priority for USA Rice and the additional Farm Bill funding would be instrumental to ensuring the program’s improvement.”

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