Louisiana Farm Bureau Members Attending National Convention, Shaping Next Farm Bill

Salt Lake City, Utah—More than 65 Louisiana Farm Bureau Members and their families are traveling to the 105th American Farm Bureau Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. It’s at the convention where voting delegates from all 50 states and Puerto Rico set policy positions for the nation’s largest general farm organization. 

“It’s vitally important that we come here, especially as Congress is beginning debate on the next Farm Bill,” said Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper. “We have a diverse group of farmers and ranchers from Louisiana representing everything we grow in our state and they’re going to make sure our issues are addressed during the policy debate.” 

The American Farm Bureau Annual Convention runs January 19-24. Several workshops at the convention will focus on the Farm Bill, public policy and the 2024 national elections. 

“Our members are engaged in political discussions on the local, state and national levels,” said Harper. “We will work to ensure our leaders on all of those levels know the struggles agriculture faces with high inflation, low commodity prices and invasive overregulation.” 

The American Farm Bureau Convention is also a chance for Louisiana Farm Bureau members to compete for cash and prizes. Louisiana will be represented in the Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award, Excellence in Agriculture Award and Discussion Meet competitions. 

“Our young farmers and ranchers in Louisiana are some of the best in the country,” Harper said. “It’s great to see them take the stage on a national level, compete and win.” 


Founded in 1921, The Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization representing more than 142,000 member families.