Acadia 4-H'ers Celebrate 2022-2023 Achievements

Crowley Post-Signal

4-H'ers from across Acadia Parish gathered at Midland High School on Friday, March 31, for the 2023 Achievement Day program and awards ceremonies.

The open assembly began at 9 a.m. when the Colors were presented by Ethan Fusilier and Eli Noel. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ambassador Seleste Miller and the National Anthem sung by Daxton Broussard. 

The 4-H Pledge was led by Ambassador Allena LeBlanc before the invocation by Ambassador Whitney Kibodeaux. 

Extension Agents Kayla Segura and Morgan Sarver introduced this year's 4-H Ambassadors and Cameron Fusilier, one of those Ambassadors, introduced special guests and sponsors. 

The Honoree Dedication was led by Ian Lacombe lof the Egan 4-H Club. 

Recognized as the 2023 Honoree was Frances Regan Miller, a lifelong resident of rural Acadia Parish residing in Egan. 

Regan is an honor graduate of both Iota High School and McNeese State University. She and her husband, Dale Miller, have been married for 43 years. 

Together they have three children - John, Cassie and Jacob. They are also the proud grandparents of six grandchildren - Gannon, Julianna, Lilli, Jemma, Emmalynn and Ellie - and great-grandparents of Maverick Dale. 

Frances is a member of St. Michael's Chapel in Egan, where she serves as lector and Eucharistic minister. She is a member of the Ladies Altar Society, has taught CCD for over 40 years and is the leader of a Come Lord Jesus group. 

After 28 years of teaching, she recently retired from the Acadia Parish School System. She is currently serving as the District 2 representative on the Acadia Parish School Board. 

In January, she accepted a position at St. Francis teaching pre-K. 

Prior to becoming a teacher, Frances served on the St. Francis School Board in Iota as PTC treasurer. During her 28 years as a teacher, she served as Gator Backer PTC president for six years at Egan Elementary with the main task of fundraising. 

During her tenure, the PTC was able to secure the funds through their efforts to purchase large playground equipment. 

She also secured many grants for her classroom to enhance learning for the students. 

Being introduced to Agriculture in the Classroom in 1999, Frances incorporated Ag lessons which helped students realize how important farming is and where their food comes from. 

Ag in the Classroom, like her experience in 4-H as a child, made her want to share the agriculture connection with students. She was selected as the Louisiana Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher of the Year in 2008 and was awarded a trip to California. 

From there she began networking with teachers from other states. In 2010, she was selected to be a Louisiana Ag in the Classroom state committee member and the Acadia Parish Ag in the Classroom chairman since 2012. 

4-H is important to Mrs. Frances as it instilled her love for sewing as a child. 

As a 9-year-old, she remembers her dad taking her to Singer Rue's Sewing Center on Hwy. 90 in Crowley where she got to choose her own sewing machine. 

Through the help of leaders, she learned to sew. Sewing has become an enjoyable hobby for her as she made numerous things including her own children's clothing. 

She also credits 4-H for teaching her many other life skills such as communication, perseverance and building self confidence. She remembers modeling her garments she made for the 4-H Fashion Show. 

While she says she was shy at first, continuing to compete every year made the process easier. These are only a few of the reasons she was glad to have been an active 4-H member. 

Over the last 20 years, Frances has been fortunate to serve as a parent or teacher leader for 4-H. In 2021, she was selected as Acadia Parish 4-H Leader of the Year. You can still find Mrs. Frances volunteering for school and parish 4-H events because as the 4-H pledge tells us, we pledge our hands to larger service. 

"Mrs. Frances, we at Egan Elementary, are so thankful for the years you have led us as a 4-H leader," Lacombe concluded. "We thank you for all that you have taught us and continue to teach us as well as your time and dedication you give to 4-H." Awards presentations began with the recognition of Program Cover Design. 

Honored was Isaac Manual of the Iota High 4-H Club. 

This contest allows all 4-H members to draw and express themselves artistically. 

The youth that enter this contest are asked to come up with a catchy slogan and a colorful picture. The winning theme is carried out at Achievement Day and the Outstanding Member Banquet. 

The 2022-2023 Achievement Day Theme is "4-H is the Cream of the Crop." Other presentations included the Lilly Pousson Club Leader Award, presented by Scotty Pousson to Piper Venable, Mire Elementary Club Leader. 

¡ Achievement Awards. 4th Grade: First Place - Addalyn Comeaux, Mire - Overall Elementary Achievement: Addling Comeaux, Mire. 

· 6th Grade: First Place - Claire Fusilier, Mire; Second Place - Annabelle Babineaux, Mire. 7th - 8th Grade: First Place - Ryleigh Oestriecher, St. Michael; Second Place - Allena LeBlanc, Lucky Clovers; Third Place - Jailyn Latiolais, Mire; Fourth Place - Ahna Fusilier, Mire; Fifth Place - Aubrie Theriot, Mire - Overall Junior Achievement: Ryleigh Oestricher, St. Micheal. 9th - 12th Grade: First Place - Nathan 

Faulk, Iota High; Second Place - Greta 

Manuel, Iota High; Third Place - Isaac 

Manuel, Iota High; Fourth Place - Mason Dies, Iota High. 

- Overall Freshman Achievement: Nathan Faulk, Iota High. 

- Overall Senior Achievement: Nathan Faulk, Iota High. 

¡ Club Reporter's Scrapbook. First Place: Lucky Clovers 

· Second Place: St Michael 

· Third Place: Egan Elementary 

¡ Song Contest 

· First Place: Egan Elementary 

· Second Place: Esther wood Elementary 

· Third Place: Branch Elementary 

· Most Creative Use of Props: Our Mother of Peace 

· Most Original: South Crowley Elementary. Best Choreography/Presentation: Notre Dame High. 

¡ Club Performance 

· Highest Percentage of Record Books: Mire Elementary 

· Club Service Award (Pop Tops): 

Iota Elementary, who this year collected 1,360 pounds of can pop tabs and will be donating the proceeds to the Ronald Mc-Donald House in Memphis, Tennessee. 

· Club T-Shirt: Esther wood Elementary. Best-Mannered Club: St. Michael Elementary. Most Enthusiastic Club: Egan Elementary. Outstanding 4-H Club: Egan Elementary

4-HAvery Davidson