Registration open: Understanding Heir's Property at the Community Level Train-the-Trainer

The Socially Disadvantaged Farmer and Rancher Policy Research Center in partnership with the Southern Risk Management Education Center (SRMEC) and Southern Rural Development Center (SRDC) are excited to invite you to a train-the-trainer to share program resources and overview of the recently announced program related to heirs' property.  The program is funded by USDA Farm Service Agency and seeks to enhance technical assistance to heirs' property owners.   

The training will be held at the Hilton Atlanta Airport Hotel, 1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30354, on November 29-30 and will provide an overview of the program's goals as well as share resources developed or in-process to support your outreach efforts.  

The Policy Center will pay for hotel rooms.  We will reserve and directly pay for your lodging expenses for the meeting in Atlanta.  In order for us to secure your hotel room, we ask that you complete the following link by Nov. 9.  Seating is limited to 50. 

Registration link:

If you have any questions about the program, the Atlanta training, or other project activities, feel free to reach out to Roselyn Turner at or 601-870-6601. 

The Federation of Southern Cooperatives will be hosting its FORWARD 2023 Heirs Property Boot Camp following this training on December 1-3, 2022 at a nearby hotel in Atlanta.  This would be a great opportunity to attend both events and receive even more benefit to your trip.  More information is on their website: 

Avery Davidson