FSA Committee Meeting on Disaster Declaration at Urging of La. Farm Bureau, Congresswoman Letlow

By Avery Davidson

Louisiana Farm Bureau News

Baton Rouge, La.—The Louisiana Farm Service Agency’s State Emergency Board will convene Wednesday, November 9 to consider requesting a Secretarial Disaster Declaration from the United States Department of Agriculture for crop losses due to excessive rains in August of 2022.

Louisiana FSA State Executive Director Ronald Guidry, Jr. informed Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper that the process is in motion in a letter dated November 4, 2022. In the letter Guidry wrote that the County Emergency Boards for affected parishes met and submitted designation recommendations to the state FSA on November 2. 

“We’re glad to see the process is finally moving along to get Louisiana farmers the disaster relief they desperately need,” said Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper. “I’m certain our farmers will provide the information Secretary Tom Vilsack needs to be able to declare a disaster for this event.”

Harper urged farmers who had damaged crops to get in touch with their local FSA County Executive Director to report their losses before the Wednesday meeting.

“I’m really thankful that Congresswoman Julia Letlow took the time to meet with farmers in her district affected by this crazy weather,” Harper said. “She really took what they said to heart and helped make things happen for them.”

Louisiana 5th District Congresswoman Julia Letlow represents the largest row crop district in the country.

“We share your concern with the impact this even has had on Louisiana producers,” Guidry wrote. “And currently are in the process in accordance with FSA policy to request a Secretarial Disaster Declaration for those parishes that suffered a thirty percent or greater production loss to at least one crop.”

You can read Guidry’s letter to President Harper here.