Louisiana Farm Bureau Disaster Response Available to Meet the Needs of Louisiana's Farmers and Ranchers

The Louisiana Farm Bureau Disaster Response Committee has created a Facebook Group to connect you with other farmers and ranchers across the state to either offer help where you can or request help if you're in need during a natural disaster like Hurricane Ida.

Members of the group can post their needs before, during or following a disaster. You do not need to be a Louisiana Farm Bureau Member to join, but we certainly encourage you to be a member.

When you join the group, please add the phone number 833-950-1960 to your cell phone contacts and text the word FARM to that number. Once you've done so, you will be able to text your needs to that number in times when data service is not available to reach Facebook. Please include your name and contact information in the text message. A member of the La. Farm Bureau Staff will then copy and paste your message to this group.

The goal is to have those needs addressed by fellow members, members of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Disaster Response Committee, farmers in your community and state agencies.

When posting, please use hashtags to make your topic easier to find. If you have a need following a disaster, use #need. You can also use hashtags for specific needs, like #fuel, #generator, #chainsaw, etc. A post can have multiple hashtags to cover multiple needs. This will make those hashtags searchable topics on the "topics" tab within the group.

Remember, this group is designed to connect farmers and ranchers in need following a disaster with those who can provide help.

It is a private group, so once you ask to join, an admin must admit you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lafarmbureaudisasterresponse/
