AFBF YF&R IlluminateAg Challenge

By Megan Gravois

Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation

We have an exciting opportunity for our state YF&R members!

YF&R members it is time to grab your cameras and get ready to share a story about agriculture! The

American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee wants to put local agriculture in

the spotlight and promote the work that Young Farmers are doing throughout the nation. To do so, they are

launching the “IlluminateAg Challenge.” This opportunity challenges Parish YF&R members and

committees to create 60-90 second videos illuminating their local agriculture and the people behind it.

These videos should focus on promoting agriculture with a positive message and educating others about

crops and livestock produced locally. Twenty-five (25) video submissions will receive a $100 gift

card! All videos that meet the criteria will be entered into a random drawing after the deadline. We

encourage members to use the $100 gift card toward local member engagement initiatives.

Submissions are due before March 5, 2021. If you have questions about the video submission, please


Parish Farm Bureau YF&R members or committees may submit one video that meets the following


1. 60-90 seconds in length

2. Has clear audio and visual elements

3. Produced by and involves or features current YF&R member(s)

4. Spotlights local agriculture with a positive message

How to participate:

1. State YF&R Committees promote the IlluminateAg Challenge to all YF&R members in their state.

2. YF&R members create a video that meets the criteria listed above.

3. The signature page is completed by the state Farm Bureau staff and the YF&R member or

committee representative submitting the video.

4. The YF&R member or coordinator submits the electronic submission form with video and signature

page attached before the deadline on March 5.

5. Twenty-Five submissions will be drawn at random to receive a $100 gift card.

The committee’s hope is that this will be a great opportunity for state Farm Bureaus to promote local

member engagement and collect member-created content from across your state. It is also a wonderful

opportunity to highlight your state’s local agriculture nationally and drive interest in Farm Bureau

involvement. All information, including a download of the signature page, can be found through

this submission link.