AgFax Rice - Louisiana

By, AgFax Media, LLC


More rice is heading in southwest Louisiana and in parts of Texas.

Hot, dry weather continues to push rice but also has made it difficult to establish or maintain a flood in some areas in the Delta and Texas.

If no widespread rain falls soon in Arkansas, farmers with limited pumping capacity will have to decide whether to put water on rice to maintain floods or irrigate soybeans.

Blast has become more apparent in places. Since holding a deeper flood helps prevent blast, any problems keeping enough water on the crop could open the gate for more blast issues.


Harold Lambert, Independent Consultant, Innis, Louisiana:

"The rice I work is going to permanent flood – some went last week and more this week. We have a little late rice that's up to a good stand but isn't going to flood yet."

Hank Jones, C&J Ag Consulting, Pioneer, Louisiana:

"The rice crop is starting to take shape. We've top dressed a good bit of it. Most everything has a flood. The exception is a little hybrid acreage that was planted late because we had to wait for water to get off the field.

"We've had herbicide drift issues – materials moving off rice to other crops. Overall, rice is doing what it does with hot weather and a flood. Conditions have been dry and a good rain would take the pressure off growers who are trying to keep up with pumping."

Dustin Harrell, Louisiana Rice Extension Specialist, LSU Rice Research Station, Crowley:

"A large portion of our rice in southwest Louisiana has begun to head. 

"The number of reported instances of blast has increased this week. Two weeks ago, in fact, no one had reported any blast at all. But then a couple of reports came in toward the end of last week and quite a few people have reported it this week.

"Most of these reports involve some medium-grain varieties and PVL01. So for our later rice, I would strongly consider two fungicide applications for susceptible varieties, especially in fields with a history of blast. Timing for the first application is at 2-inch panicle and the second is at boot split. We're past that point with a good deal of this crop, but we still have later fields that are approaching that treatment timing."

Avery Davidson