Beef, Forage Field Day Set for April 26 in Homer

Story by Tammi Arrender, LSU AgCenter

HOMER, La. – The LSU AgCenter Hill Farm Research Station will host a Northwest Beef and Forage Day on April 26.

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m., and the program will start at 9.

Stan Bevers, of Texas A&M AgriLife, will talk about today’s beef market outlook and what’s next for cattle producers.

“The volatility of the market is on the minds of all producers,” said AgCenter beef project leader Ryon Walker. “Prices were up a year ago then back down this past fall, so everyone is hoping to get some insight into what’s next.”

AgCenter researchers and extension agents will conduct field tours beginning at 9:45 a.m.

Topics that will be covered include: horn fly control and resistance in cattle by Lane Foil, controlling crabgrass in hay fields by Wink Alison, management of grazing forages by ran Strahan and Lee Faulk, and new clover varieties by Buddy Pitman.

Jimmy Walker, of Hillsboro, Texas, will conduct a stock dog demonstration.

“Cattlemen are looking for a low-stress way to handle their herd,” Ryon Walker said. “We’re going to have a field demonstration on how Border Collies are a great way to do that.”

James Hendrix, AgCenter coordinator with the Louisiana Master Farmer Program, will speak during lunch.

The field day is free. Interested people are encouraged to register by calling the Hill Farm Research Station at 318-927-2578 or emailing Laura Haley at

The Hill Farm Research Station is located at 11959 Highway 9 in Homer, Louisiana.


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