Posts in Poultry
House of Raeford Announces Scholarships: 7 Recipients from Louisiana

House of Raeford has awarded $80,000 in college scholarships to 32 students through its 11th Annual Scholarship Program. This year marks a record number of recipients, reflecting the company's commitment to supporting education for its extended family, including employees' and farmers' families.

Each $2,500 scholarship was awarded based on academic excellence, leadership, community involvement, work experience, and personal goals.

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PoultryAvery Davidson
Egg Prices Down in Louisiana Just in Time for Easter

Are you planning to dye Easter eggs this year? Well, if you are, there is a bit of good news -- prices have dropped significantly.

Louisiana Farm Bureau spokesperson Avery Davidson said prices of eggs have dropped quite a bit. As a matter of fact, the southern average for a dozen eggs was $4.17 last year but this year it's down to $2.71.

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PoultryAllie Shipley
Ancera Launches New Salmonella Monitoring Software

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that salmonella is responsible for 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States every year.

A new platform launched by Antera looks to improve these numbers. The program offers a “BioBarrier” against salmonella through surveillance systems and data analytics for improved poultry productivity compliance.

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Poultrykristen oaks
PETA Launches Pressure Campaign for Charges Against Poultry Processing Plant

PETA is sounding the alarm about a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a report into the House of Raeford Farms revealed more than 1,800 chickens were burned alive inside two trailers after a tire exploded on two separate occasions.

PETA is now launching a pressure campaign to stop the ‘illegal suffering’ in the backyard of Claiborne Parish residents.

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Poultry, LivestockAvery Davidson
Avian Flu Mutations Raise Concerns for Human Transmission

Aside from the economic implications of culling millions of birds due to avian flu outbreaks, the risk of increasing human infections has been a rising concern. 

Now, a study from researchers in China and England has discovered that a subtype of avian flu virus, endemic in poultry farms in China, is undergoing mutational changes, which could increase the risk of the disease being passed on to humans.

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Poultrykristen oaks
Louisiana Department of Agriculture: Inflation, Lingering Avian Flu Continues to Keep Egg Prices High

Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Strain says egg prices rose sharply over the holidays as demand increased. Since then, it has lowered slightly, but not by much.

He says due to inflation, the cost of feed, fertilizer, diesel fuel needed for transporting products, and the cost of keeping chicken coups heated have all driven up the price of eggs, and they will remain high unless conditions improve.

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LDAF, Poultrykristen oaks
Bird Flu The Cause Of High Egg Prices, Says USDA

Egg prices at the grocery store were elevated throughout 2022 due to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) among egg-laying hens, said USDA economists. “Lower-than-usual shell egg inventories near the end of the year, combined with increased demand stemming from the holiday baking season, resulted in several successive weeks of record-high egg prices.”

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Poultrydon molino