President's Column: County Committees

A number of my columns since my election as Louisiana Farm Bureau President have revolved around farm programs through USDA. 

I also often try and implore our farm leaders to get involved. Now I would like to share with you how you can combine the two.

USDA-FSA is currently accepting applications for County Committees.  Nomination forms for the 2021 election must be postmarked or received in the local FSA office by Aug. 2, 2021.

I can’t stress enough how important this call to action is!

As we continue to navigate a record number of farm programs, we need experienced leaders across the state to serve on these committees, as well as the State FSA Committee.

While we hope the trend of increasing commodity prices continues, we all know that the safety net provided by USDA through Farm Bill Title I programs are only as good as the implementation at the local level.

USDA notes that “Nationwide, more than 7,700 dedicated members of the agricultural community serving on FSA county committees. The committees are made up of three to 11 members who serve three-year terms.”

Not only do county committees play a crucial role in the day-to-day operations of the agency, but committee members are vital to how FSA carries out disaster, conservation, commodity and price support programs, county office employment and other agricultural issues.

We have such great leaders in this state in our industry. Louisiana has a diverse story to tell, with many niche crops and markets that folks in Washington D.C. often don’t understand. Will you consider serving to help educate them and keep these programs on track?

I also want to close by saying thank you. Louisiana Farm Bureau held its annual meeting virtually just a week ago, and I appreciate the confidence of our members for electing me to my second term as your President. Much like these FSA county committees, my role as LFBF President is to serve you. So please let me or my staff know if we can be doing anything further to help you and all of our farming and ranching community.