LDWF Working Alongside LDH to Close Oyster Area 3 Due to Non-Life Threatening Illnesses Reported

By Taylor Brazan

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries

As a precautionary measure, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) has closed a molluscan shellfish harvesting area in Area 3 and ordered a recall of all oysters harvested from that area since January 10, 2025. This includes shucked, frozen, breaded, post-harvest processed and oysters for the half-shell market due to norovirus-like illnesses reported from oysters consumed from that area. Area 3 is located east of Lake Borgne, north of Eloi Bay, and includes Chandeleur Islands and surrounding marshes. 

All Louisiana oysters harvested outside of Area 3 as well as all other Louisiana seafood statewide is safe for consumption. Oyster Area 3 is only one of 30 Oyster Areas that are harvested along Louisiana’s coast.


AquacultureAvery Davidson