Pest Management Strategic Plan For Sugarcane Technologists
You are invited to participate in the upcoming Workshop for the Pest Management Strategic Plan for Sugarcane in the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT) – Louisiana Division Meeting to be held February 4th-5th in Baton Rouge, La.
The Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) for Sugarcane in the Southern Region outlines priorities for research, regulation, and outreach to guide activities such as EPA registration of pesticides, government, and other agencies' allocation of funds for research, scientists in their research endeavors, and other activities related to solving pest management issues. Consultants, growers, industry representatives, specialists, regulators, and processors are strongly encouraged to participate in this event to update this important document. This workshop is supported by the Southern IPM Center.
To receive emails about the workshop, please sign up at the following link: In addition to the workshop, we are conducting a brief survey on IPM practices and pest management. Please consider filling out this survey as the survey results will help guide both the workshop and make for a stronger PMSP. Input from consultants is very valuable as you interact with many growers and are very aware of the challenges they face regarding pest management. As we move closer to the workshop date, more information on time and location will be provided.
Please contact Lacey Belanger: for more information and to RSVP.