Governor Landry and LDWF Secretary Sheahan Request USFWS to Expand Black-Bellied Whistling Duck Harvest Opportunity for Louisiana

Governor Jeff Landry and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Secretary Madison Sheahan sent a letter to Martha Williams, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), requesting the expansion of harvest opportunities for black-bellied whistling ducks (BBWD) for the sportsmen of Louisiana.

“As the presence of black-bellied whistling ducks continues to grow in Louisiana, so too should the harvest opportunities. Producers in southwest Louisiana have had to endure agricultural and economic losses due to this increase, and we cannot allow this to continue. Our state and LDWF are committed to finding a solution that benefits all— sportsmen, industry, and our economy,” said Governor Jeff Landry.


Avery Davidson