The Farmer's Forecast: It's Convention Time!

By Nick Mikulas

Louisiana Farm Bureau News/Cenla Weather

It’s convention time, so let’s jump in with a New Orleans forecast for everyone that will be gathering down there this weekend! It looks like a very New Orleans weekend with loads of humidity, plenty of heat, and daily rain chances. Rain should keep highs around 90 each day, with lows only falling into the upper 70s. Some of the most refreshing moments will be the time immediately after thunderstorms in the afternoon. That’ll knock temperatures back into the 70s, and perhaps briefly, give us a small humidity break. It’s New Orleans, so you know any sort of humidity break will last about as it takes for you to find out that you “got your shoes on Bourbon Street”. I’ll be down there, so feel free to come up and ask me if it’s going to rain as you head out to dinner.

Beyond all the fun and fellowship of convention, I’m in constant watch mode on the tropics. There aren’t any imminent threats, but The National Hurricane Center is monitoring 2 areas for potential development. The second one is something I’ll be watching closely, but not necessarily because of any Louisiana impact. This system is way out in the Atlantic, and would be more typical of an August or September tropical system. If we start getting waves to develop in the Central Atlantic, that’ll be a good indicator that our busy season will be underway. This system has a lot of hurdles to overcome before even being a consideration in our area, but I’m watching it closely.

Other than that, it looks like some scattered storms will continue into early next week, followed by some drier weather around the 4th of July. With that, there will be plenty of heat as well, but that’s quite typical for July in Louisiana. Safe travels to all that are heading to New Orleans this weekend. I’ll see you there!