Thompson on Cotton: Music to the Market’s Ears

By Jeff Thompson

Autauga Quality Cotton

Last week was a case of bad news for some was good news to others. Hurricane Idalia was expected to take her Category 3 winds east of all but a small portion of the Georgia crop. Instead, upon landfall it veered slightly northward damaging a much larger expanse of the state’s crop. While abroad, China’s economy has slumped to the point its government announced Friday monetary policies would be instituted in an effort to bolster it. The combination of a shrinking crop coupled with a potential boost in demand was music to the market’s ears. As a result, December futures hit ninety cents for the first time since August of last year. Nonetheless, pressure from grower selling forced it to close the week slightly below 89.95 for a gain of 264 points. 


Cottonkristen oaks