LSU Vet Med Announces Appointment of Assistant Dean for Student Outreach and Veterinary Admissions

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine is thrilled to announce the appointment of Gretchen Delcambre, DVM (LSU 2009), MS, as the assistant dean for student outreach and veterinary admissions, effective August 1, 2023. Dr. Delcambre has been an integral part of the LSU Vet Med team, serving as the director of veterinary outreach and admissions since July 2022.

Before joining LSU Vet Med, Dr. Delcambre held significant roles at Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, where she served as the director and later assistant dean for veterinary admissions. During her tenure, she oversaw admissions, combined and special degree programs, and provided professional advising.

As a key member of the Admissions and Student Success team, Dr. Delcambre leads the LSU Vet Med Admissions program and spearheads the outreach and recruitment of prospective veterinary students. Additionally, she offers academic and career counseling to students. Since her arrival at LSU Vet Med, Dr. Delcambre has already made remarkable strides, revamping the admissions process to a holistic approach and launching a Student Ambassador program. She is also actively hiring a dedicated recruiter and working on new policies while conducting in-depth data analysis to bring about innovative approaches in admissions.

“My goal is to work toward establishing LSU as a model leader in admissions practices that serve the mission of our school and our professional community,” said Dr. Delcambre. “Through data-driven practices, engagement with veterinary professionals, collaboration with admissions experts, and outreach to various communities, I hope to continue developing a recruitment and admissions program that draws many different students from around the region and the world. As assistant dean for student outreach and veterinary admissions I will lead the Veterinary Admissions team in service to our prospective candidates, applicants, and admitted students. 

Dr. Delcambre earned her DVM from LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, her MS from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, and her BS from LSU. She has published in esteemed scientific journals like the Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Equine Veterinary Journal, PeerJ, PLoS One, and Analyst. Beyond her academic achievements, she actively contributes to the field and is a member of the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges Admissions and Recruiting Committee. Dr. Delcambre has also served as an advisor to AAVMC's Holistic Admissions Project, among numerous other professional activities and affiliations.

"We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Gretchen Delcambre as the LSU Vet Med assistant dean for student outreach and veterinary admissions,” said Dean Oliver A. Garden, BVetMed, PhD, FHEA, FCPP, FRCVS, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA. “Dr. Delcambre brings a deep understanding of the complexities of the admissions process and her commitment to data-driven practices, collaboration with veterinary professionals, and outreach to different communities aligns perfectly with our mission to foster a compassionate and inclusive environment for aspiring veterinary students. Her vision to position LSU as a model leader in admissions practices will undoubtedly elevate the reputation of our school and benefit the wider veterinary community. We are confident that under her guidance, our Veterinary Admissions team will thrive in providing outstanding service to prospective candidates, applicants, and admitted students. With her dedication to educational excellence and ongoing research contributions, Dr. Delcambre embodies the values that drive LSU Vet Med's mission to better lives through education, compassionate medical care, scientific discovery, and public service.”

About LSU Vet Med: Bettering lives through education, public service, and discovery

The LSU School of Veterinary Medicine is one of only 33 veterinary schools in the U.S. and the only one in Louisiana. LSU Vet Med is dedicated to improving and protecting the lives of animals and people through superior education, transformational research, and compassionate care. We teach. We heal. We discover. We protect.

Avery Davidson