101st Louisiana Farm Bureau Annual Convention Underway

By Avery Davidson

Louisiana Farm Bureau News

NEW ORLEANS-The 101st Louisiana Farm Bureau Annual Convention is now underway at the New Orleans Marriott on Canal Street. More than 1,500 farmers, ranchers and their families are expected to attend the event.

The main purpose of the annual convention is to develop policy for the coming year.

“That's what Farm Bureau started out as 101 years ago; to be a voice of agriculture,” said Louisiana Farm Bureau Field Services Director Tim Payne. “When things come up, we've got policy that we can look back on and see what our members think and which direction they want us to go. The tell us what we're for and what we're against.”

However, the June event is designed as much for fun as it is for business.

“There are a lot of family activities,” Payne said. “The talent contest is on Friday night. The Queen’s contest is on Saturday night. We've got a memorial service on Sunday morning that's important to this organization as we remember the ones who passed away in the last year. Everybody here calls it a family reunion.”

One difference at this year’s convention is the inclusion of a forum where the candidates vying to be the next governor of Louisiana will share how agriculture plays a role in their visions for the state.

“They know from coming to this one event that they can reach people in every parish,”
 said Payne. “That's one thing unique about Farm Bureau is that we got offices, volunteer leaders and people who live in every parish in the state.”

Learn more about the 101st Louisiana Farm Bureau Annual Convention at www.lfbfconvention.org.