Sen. John Kennedy, Seven Candidates for La. Governor to Speak at 101st Louisiana Farm Bureau Convention

By Neil Melancon & Avery Davidson

Louisiana Farm Bureau News

NEW ORLEANS—State and national politics will take center stage for the 101st Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention. U.S. Senator John Kennedy will address the state’s largest general farm organization, and all seven announced candidates vying to become Louisiana’s next governor will be at the convention.

The Louisiana Farm Bureau Convention kicks off Thursday, June 22 and runs through Sunday, June 25 at the New Orleans Marriott on Canal Street.

Greg Hilburn, State Capitol Correspondent for the USA Today Network, will moderate a gubernatorial forum at the convention on Friday, June 23 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Questions to candidates will focus on agricultural issues and rural development.  

Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper said the forum gives the people of Louisiana the chance to hear candidates’ agricultural policy plans for the next four years. 

“Decisions by our governor and our Legislature affects agriculture every single day,” Harper said.  “Our farmers and ranchers deserve to know what policies their next governor will support or oppose. The candidates also need to see what our issues in agriculture are, and this forum is an excellent opportunity for that.”

Sen. John Kennedy will give an update on issues before Congress at the general session immediately following the gubernatorial forum.

Attorney General Jeff Landry will speak Sunday, June 25 during the voting delegates session. It’s during this meeting that nearly 300 active farmers and ranchers set policy guiding the state’s largest general farm organization for the next year and elect board members.

“The voting delegates session is the heart of Louisiana Farm Bureau,” Harper said. “Having farmers and ranchers who grow and raise different commodities come together with a unified voice for agriculture is why our founders formed this grassroots organization 100 years ago.”

A host of other activities are scheduled for the organization’s 101st convention. The President’s Award, given to the top parish in the state, will be presented Thursday night of the convention, along with many other awards.

Aside from the gubernatorial forum and general session on Friday, there will be a Talent Contest where farm youth display their talents. It will be held at 5:30 p.m.  

Saturday, farmers and ranchers will meet to discuss issues facing what they grow and raise during breakout commodity conferences. The respective commodity committees will develop policies for both Farm Bureau and the upcoming Farm Bill at those meetings. Saturday night, the 2023 Louisiana Farm Bureau Queen will be crowned during the Queen’s contest.  

A complete rundown of the convention can be found at