Agroconsult Forecasts Record Brazilian Soybean, Corn Crops

By Pro Farmer Editors

Agroconsult expects Brazil to produce record corn and soybean crops in 2022-23, despite dry weather in the far southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. The firm expect Brazilian soybean production to reach 153.4 MMT, which is just below Conab’s official forecast of 153.5 MMT it forecast in December. Agroconsult projects total corn production at 130.9 MMT, including the first crop at 29.6 MMT and the safrinha crop at 101.3 MMT. In December, Conab pegged Brazil’s corn crop at 125.8 MMT, though that was based off an estimate of the first corn crop and projections for safrinha acreage and yield.


Corn, Soybeanskristen oaks