Vermilion Parish Sugarcane, Soybean and Cattle Farmers Win Top Young Farmer Award

By Neil Melancon

Farm Bureau News

Chelsie and Philip Domingues of Vermilion Parish accept the Louisiana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award from YF&R Chair Vincent Cannatella and Louisiana Farm Bureau President Jim Harper.

NEW ORLEANS—Philip and Chelsie Domingues of Vermillion Parish came full circle at the Louisiana Farm Bureau Centennial Convention here on Thursday. 

 The sugarcane, cattle and soybean farmers near Erath, La. have been named the state’s top young farmers during the organization’s annual awards event. This was the first time they were finalists in the Young Farmers and Ranchers Achievement Award competition and were clearly emotional after winning the competition. 

“I’m just proud,” Philip said. “This means so much.”

Philip’s middle name is Dwayne, named after his uncle who died while Philip’s mother was pregnant with him. 

“Philips grandma always said her involvement in Farm Bureau was because of Dwayne, because he was going to do so much and he’s not here any more,” Chelsie said, wiping tears away. “So, she became involved and it just kind of comes full circle.  Even though she’s not here, he’s stepping up.”

While they’re relatively new to Farm Bureau, they’re fourth generation farmers.  Philip’s grandparents, Wayne and Linda Zaunbrecher, were longtime members of the organization. Philip continues to use his grandfather’s tractor today.

"My grandmother actually gave it to my brother, but it was his tractor,” he said. “As a kid, I always went to stuff with them. We went to Washington, DC and events across the state. I guess they wanted us to know what was going on.”

The couple have been active members of their parish Young Farmer and Rancher program since 2019.

“When I got started, we got into the YF&R program and from there, we just kind of built other relationships,” Philip said. “I'm glad to be in it know because I see—not the whole picture—but some of the picture where it needs to be.”

Chelsie helps at the farm, is a mom of three and works a second job at a local hospital. The couple say their children drive them to continue farming.

“My children may not go into a career in agriculture and that'll be fine, they can do whatever makes them happy,” Chelsie said. “Growing up in it and seeing it, they'll have the experiences.  They know the hard work that goes into it, and no matter what job they choose to pursue, they're still going to advocate for agriculture.”

Chelsie was instrumental in starting the Vermilion Parish YF&R Facebook page, as their original group text grew too large to manage.

“I started the Facebook page mainly for the fundraiser,” she said. “But then, we started sharing little videos here and there, throughout.”

While social media connects young farmers, it also presents a challenge. In an age of misinformation and hostility towards some aspects of farming, presenting a positive face is something these young producers know is important.

“It’s about having a different approach and not just blasting them on Facebook,” Philip said.  “It’s actually seeing what their concerns are and going about challenging them in a better way."

As prize winners the Domingues will receive a $35,000 cash prize courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company, an all-expenses-paid trip to the American Farm Bureau Convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico in January, 2023, a $250 Choice Hotels gift card and a $250 Farm Bureau Bank gift card.

Philip said their eyes are on the prize of keeping this farm going in perpetuity.  

"Makes me very proud and to keep it going, to make sure we have another crop and to keep it going for future generations is my goal,” he said. “To keep it in the family."