National Real Sugar Day Is October 14

National Real Sugar Day is October 14, and the Louisiana sugar industry invites you to celebrate real sugar.

Sugar has been an important economic driver in Louisiana for many years, and as modern planting and harvesting techniques revolutionized the industry in the mid-1990s, we’re growing more sugarcane than ever before.

Louisiana is where the American sugar industry began but today, sugar is also produced in the cane fields of Florida and Texas and the 11 sugar beets states of California, Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. Real sugar grows from coast to coast and border to border of the United States. 

So why National Real Sugar Day now? This day provides a platform in which to share our pride in working for an industry that provides food, jobs, and joy to so many. It’s a day to take our collective voice and highlight how real sugar comes from sugarcane and sugar beets grown on family farms across the country. And it’s an opportunity to remind people that despite claims to the contrary, there is room for real sugar as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Here are a few ways you can celebrate National Real Sugar Day:

Use #NationalRealSugarDay and tag @moretosugar when sharing on social media.

Bake or cook something with #RealSugar to share with family, friends, and online.

Share images of sugarcane harvesting online with #RealSugar.

Pose with your favorite type of real sugar or sugar-containing food and post to social media.

Share real sugar-containing recipes online.

Share stories of where real sugar comes from by posting images of sugarcane.

Share images and stories of the farmers who grow real sugar.

Teach your class about where real sugar comes from and enjoy something made with real sugar together.

Our farming neighbors from across the country have been providing Americans with a safe and reliable source of sugar for more than 200 years. Here’s to the next 200!

Go to for more news about Louisiana's sugarcane industry.

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