Louisiana Ag Consultants Set To Meet Next Month

The Louisiana Agricultural Technology & Management Conference sponsored by the Louisiana Agricultural Consultants Association will be held Wednesday noon through Friday noon, February 9-11, 2022 at Paragon Casino Resort in Marksville, LA.

Presentations will range from carbon sequestration, a panel on seed quality issues, tissue sampling and soil fertility, why resistance occurs , and so much more. There will again be specific crop breakout sessions on cotton, rice, and sugarcane.

Over 30 sustaining members will be exhibiting, and the majority of these will be participating in emerging technology presentations during the conference. Four (4) $2,000.00 scholarships, funded by our very generous sustaining members, will be awarded to qualifying and deserving students on Wednesday afternoon.

Technical presentations during meals (breakfasts and luncheons) will be given by our sponsoring sustaining members.

A mixer will be held at the end of the day on Wednesday to allow a time of networking among peers. Networking is one of the most important aspects of this annual conference.

This conference provides recertification of consultant and commercial applicator licenses. CCA CEUs are also available.

The preliminary program is available on the LACA website at www.laca1.org.

Online or mail-in registration is also available via the website. Contact Denise Wright, Executive Director by email, denise@laca1.org or phone 337-945-3694 (m) for more information.

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