Webinars Offer Tips To Strengthen Resistant Weed Control Strategies

ST. LOUIS (Jan. 10, 2022) — Herbicide-resistant weeds continue to be a crop production problem for farmers. To address that problem, the 2022 Take Action “Inside Weed Management” webinar series, supported by the U.S. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (US-HRAC), is offering farmers free access to resources and information to help manage weed resistance and protect crop yield and quality.

“The US-HRAC is an agricultural industry group focused on supporting and creating awareness of emerging issues, available tools and management strategies farmers can utilize to manage herbicideresistant weeds,” said Chandra Aradhya, Ph.D., chair, US-HRAC. “This continues to be a serious problem impacting the global agricultural community. Weed resistance threatens regions, economies and the livelihoods of farming families.”

Take Action is a soy checkoff program, with additional industry support, that provides a farmer-focused informational and educational platform designed to encourage the adoption of management practices that lessen the impact of resistance. These webinars are produced in collaboration with faculty and Extension specialists from land-grant universities across the country.

Webinar specifics include:

• Thursday, Jan. 13, from 10-11 a.m. CST: Why Care About Metabolic Herbicide Resistance, will be presented by Pat Tranel, Ph.D., professor, Crop Sciences, University of Illinois.

• Thursday, Jan. 20, from 10-11 a.m. CST: Value of Residuals in Herbicide-Resistant Weed Problems, will be presented by Larry Steckel, Ph.D., professor, Row Crop Weed Management, University of Tennessee

. • Thursday, Jan. 27, from 10-11 a.m. CST: Harvest Weed Seed Control Practices, will be presented by Kevin Bradley, Ph.D., professor, Plant Sciences, University of Missouri.

Farmers, researchers, industry professionals and crop advisers can register for the webinars at IWillTakeAction.com.

About Take Action: Take Action: Pesticide-Resistance Management is a farmer-focused education platform designed to help farmers manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. The goal is to encourage farmers to adopt management practices that lessen the impacts of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology. The program is endorsed by major ag chemical and trait providers, experts affiliated with land-grant universities, scientific professional organizations and soy, corn, cotton, sorghum and wheat commodity groups. Keep up with the latest updates by following Take Action on Facebook and Twitter or visiting IWillTakeAction.com.

About the U.S. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee: The U.S. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (US-HRAC) is a specialist technical committee consisting of industry representatives from major crop protection and plant science companies in the United States. US-HRAC strives to establish more effective communications to alert all those involved in the research, production, marketing, registration and use of herbicides on the issues of weed resistance and importance of effective resistance management. For more information on the U.S. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee, visit hracglobal.com/usa/.

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