LFBF Hosts New House Congressional Staffers on August Recess Ag Tour

By Andy Brown

Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation

A pandemic has restricted many things, but for the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, it has limited our ability to bring our members directly to their elected officials, particularly those serving in Washington D.C.

Also, with four out of the six House of Representative staffers of Louisiana’s delegation being new to their jobs, we thought it was the perfect time to bring these important individuals to the farm.

What better time to do that than in August? The weather is hot and harvest is in full swing for many crops. Congress takes a month break to work back in their home districts, such as doing tours.

So, on August 18 and 19, LFBF’s Commodity Department team partnered with the LSU AgCenter to provide House ag staffers a tour of the state to hear from farmers directly, as well as research and extension experts. The congressional staffers that were available to join the tour included: Nick Strother (Congressman Troy Carter’s Office, LA-02), Turner Bridgforth (Congressman Clay Higgins, LA-03), Zellie Duvall (Congresswoman Julie Letlow, LA-05), and Taylor Playforth (Congressman Garrett Graves, LA-06).


The jam-packed two days began at LFBF headquarters, where extension economist Dr. Michael Deliberto briefed the group on Louisiana commodities, the state of the ag economy, and a general overview on issues farmers of the state are facing in government and policy. They were also welcome by LFBF President Jim Harper and Assoc. VP for the AgCenter Dr. Mike Salassi.

From there, the group hit the road, stopping first in Rosedale, La for a roundtable on rural broadband. This stop afforded the staffers the opportunity to hear from Star Communications, a USDA ReConnect Project recipient, who are implementing federal dollars to bring better connectivity to Iberville Parish and surrounding areas. Also joining the group was sugarcane producer Patrick Frischhertz, Rural Broadband Director for LA Veneeth Iyengar, Delta Regional Authority Designee Leslie Durham, and other state and local partners interested in solving our state’s rural connectivity issues.


Next, the staffers landed at the LSU Rice Research Station. Over po-boys, the group heard from Dr. Kurt Guidry, SW Regional Director and Economist for the AgCenter, on Louisiana’s devastating hurricanes of 2020 and other disaster impacts from 2021. This led to a discussion with local area rice producers Jackie Loewer and Dr. Julie Richard, on the successes and shortfalls of USDA disaster programs. The group also toured the rice station, led by Resident Coordinator Dr. Dustin Harrell, where they were able to ride along for harvest on a research plot combine.

The final stop of the day was in Evangeline Parish, where farmer Kane Fontenot was completing harvest of some medium grain rice. Besides the fun of riding combines and in tractors pulling grain carts, they talked rice production, crawfish rotation, sustainability practices, and precision technologies.

To further the interaction with members from their district, the staffers were able to visit with LFBF Board Directors from across the state Wednesday evening at dinner in Baton Rouge.


The group reconvened for day two in Pointe Coupee Parish at George LaCour’s farm. They met with his family and other area farmers to discuss labor needs, water issues, and sugarcane production. They didn’t just talk sugar though!  The staff joined a planting crew of H2-A laborers for a hands-on experience planting one of our state’s top crops.

For lunch, the group returned to Baton Rouge to address the full LFBF Board of Directors and guests during their board meeting.