6 Celebrities Who Have Proudly Worn the FFA Blue Corduroy Jacket

By Kacie Hulshof,


For those who have been in FFA, they know that the youth organization is larger than just their chapter, their region, or even their state. The National FFA Organization is vital to its community and its members. For many FFA members, the organization molds them into leaders, hard working individuals, and gives them opportunities of a lifetime. With these types of skills, FFA members are set for success — some of which turn into success stories that became famous in the public eye. 

Love them or hate them, celebrities also have a childhood and a past, some of which include involvement in the National FFA Organization. Some of these celebrities have stayed close to their agriculture roots (it’s no surprise a lot of them have found their success in country music), while others have strayed away. But at one point or another, each one of these individuals have worn that famous blue corduroy jacket. 


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