USDA to Measure Crop Production Throughout the Growing Season

How will this year’s weather conditions affect crop production? The Monthly Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey U.S. farmers beginning July 30, 2021, regarding yields of the major row crops and hay, as well as hay stocks throughout the growing season across the United States. 

“In August, the Agricultural Yield Survey for Louisiana farmers will ask about row crop and hay production and hay stocks only,” said NASS Louisiana State Statistician, Kathy Broussard. “Which commodities the survey asks about varies from state to state, but in all cases the initial survey asks farmers how many acres of particular crops they planted, how many acres they intend to harvest, and their expected yield per acre. In subsequent months, the same farms are asked to update their expected yield per acre.” 

The Agricultural Yield Survey captures changes in yield that occur due to weather, pests, disease and other factors. NASS encourages producers to respond via the Internet but also welcomes mail or fax responses and offers the opportunity for a telephone interview to those producers who did not respond by the deadline. 

NASS will compile and analyze the survey information and publish the results monthly, August through November, in the Crop Production report and publishes final yield and production data the following January in the Annual Crop Production report. 

As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential, as required by federal law. “NASS safeguards the privacy of all respondents and publishes only state-and national-level data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified,” stated Broussard. These and all NASS reports are available online at For more information call the NASS Delta Regional Office at (800) 327-2970.