Perspective: COVID-19 and the False Blame on Animal Ag

By Dawson Schmitt


The Hill released an article on May 24 reporting that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, backs an investigation into the virology lab in Wuhan, China, to explore the origins of the COVID-19 virus. Fauci went so far as to say he is “not convinced” the virus was a natural occurrence and that he would like a thorough investigation into it.

This transformation is a 180-degree turn from March 2020, when scientists concluded that it was “improbable” that the coronavirus, specifically SARS-CoV-2, was created through manipulation in a lab. Since then, however, the public has learned that three researchers at a Wuhan lab fell sick in the fall of 2019. Biden, too, has been prompted to ask the intelligence community to “redouble” its investigatory efforts into the virus’s origins.


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