Agronomists: The Unsung Heroes of Agriculture

By Michelle Miller, The Farm Babe

The release of the first waves of the COVID-19 vaccine has marked the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 as an exciting time for science! So often we take for granted just how much we depend on modern medicine, doctors, and scientists for the well being of humanity; they deserve a lot of credit and praise for all that they do.

We can draw a scientific parallel to this idea by praising the science of agriculture, too. For example, did you know there has already been a coronavirus vaccine in effect for cattle? While “coronavirus” has taken on a new, specific meaning in the lexicon of 2020, the term actually applies to a broad family of viruses, which has been the focus of medical advances for years. Plus, cattle aren’t humans, so please don’t try that vaccine at home. But the science behind livestock vaccines is a fascinating one, along with the other scientific “fields” and the experts on whom farmers depend every day.


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