Louisiana Boll Weevil Commission Meets Today

BATON ROUGE, La. (Jan. 14, 2021) – The Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission will meet at 9 a.m. on Jan. 15, 2021. This meeting will be available via video conference and teleconference. 

In accordance with Revised Statute 42:17.1, the Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission will be meeting via Zoom video conference/teleconference in order to discuss "matters critical to the continuation of the business of the public body that are not able to be postponed to a meeting held in accordance with the other provisions of this Chapter due to a legal requirement or other deadline that cannot be postponed or delayed by the public body."     

Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments prior to or during the meeting by emailing Tonya Peairs at tonya_p@ldaf.state.la.us or through the Zoom chat or talk function.   

To view the agenda and instructions for joining the meeting via Zoom or teleconference, CLICK HERE.

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