Virtual Trade Mission To Mexico

Baton Rouge, La. (January 12, 2021) – Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Mike Strain, D.V.M., is participating in a virtual trade mission to Mexico. 

“Mexico is the number two trading partner with the United States behind Canada. This trade mission is meant to explore all opportunities of American trade with commodities coming from Louisiana,” said Strain. 

Participants include representatives of Louisiana Economic Development, Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce, and agricultural officials from Mexico. 

Topics of discussion include: opportunities for collaboration, increasing imports and exports, the U.S. Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA), challenges and response to the pandemic and sustainability.  

“USMCA removed many trade restrictions which are beneficial to ag producers, especially those from Louisiana because we have what our trading partners want,” said Strain. 

More than one-third of rice grown in the U.S., approximately 900,000 metric tons, is exported to Mexico. Rice is one of Louisiana’s major crops. Mexico also imports poultry, eggs, corn, soybeans and cotton from the U.S. and Louisiana. Mexico was Louisiana’s number one export market in 2019. More than 65,000 Louisiana jobs depend on trade with Mexico. 


don molino