Let’s Keep Talking About Mental Health

By Zippy Duvall, American Farm Bureau President

If you had asked me five years ago if we in agriculture would be talking so much about mental health, I probably would have said no. But in just a few short years, the stresses bearing down on farmers and ranchers have become too great to ignore. From low prices to bad weather, from too much work to not enough helping hands to get it done, farmers face levels of stress that would throw anyone for a loop. And I’m glad we’re talking about it, because it’s just not necessary or helpful to try to get through these stressful times alone.

Switching gears for a moment: If you had asked me five years ago if I would be podcasting, the answer would have been, well, maybe just a puzzled look. But a little over a year ago, staff at the American Farm Bureau Federation came to me and said, “You should do a podcast!” The more they explained how popular podcasts were becoming, and the more I tuned in and started subscribing and listening to a few of them, the more I realized this could be another great way to reach audiences with information about agriculture. I was a little nervous; I’m usually the one on the other side of the microphone, answering questions instead of asking them. But I love to talk.  I could talk to a fencepost. The more I realized that hosting a podcast was the same as just having a conversation, the more comfortable I became.


kristen oaks