WASDE Rice: Increased Domestic Production, Imports, Use

The outlook for 2020/21 U.S. rice this month is for lower beginning stocks, with increased production, imports, and total use. The August 21 NASS Rice Stocks report reduced 2020/21 beginning stocks by 2.0 million cwt. Imports for 2020/21 are raised 0.8 million cwt to 36.8 million on expectations of continued strong demand for combined medium- and short-grain varieties.

In the September Crop Production report, NASS raised the 2020/21 rice crop by 6.9 million cwt to 225.0 million on increased harvested area. The average all rice yield is down 71 pounds per acre to 7,529 pounds. Long grain production is raised 9.8 million cwt to 168.9 million, and combined medium- and short-grain production is cut 3.0 million cwt to 56.0 million.


don molino