Beef Brunch Educational Series Today: Winter Pasture Options

By Ashley Edwards

LSU AgCenter

Beef Brunch Flyer - Winter Pasture Options - July 2020.png

The LSU AgCenter will be hosting a free webinar, “Winter Pasture Options,” today, Tuesday, July 14, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. as part of the Beef Brunch Educational Series.

Dr. Ed Twidwell, Professor in the LSU School of Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences, will be discussing winter forage options for livestock producers.

The webinar will be hosted through Microsoft Teams. An internet connection is required but a microphone and webcam are not necessary. The Microsoft Teams application may be downloaded by smartphone or tablet.

Participants may join by accessing the webinar online under “Future Webinars” at

We recommend that participants test the system’s connectivity before the meeting.

Participants may also join by telephone for audio only by calling 1-225-614-2374 and using conference identification code 239 384 944#.

For more information on the Beef Brunch webinar, please contact Ashley Edwards at 512-818-5476 or

Avery Davidson