Weed Management Programs In Winter Wheat

By Daniel Stephenson, Ph.D.

LSU AgCenter

Weed management in wheat is not extremely complicated, but subtle changes in the weed spectrum can really cause significant issues.There are not many herbicides labeled for use in wheat and only a few provide control of grassy and broadleaf weeds.Others are specific for grassy or broadleaf weeds.

For example, Finesse, metribuzin, and Powerflex HL will control both most grassy and broadleaf weeds.Sharpen, Anthem Flex, Zidua, 2,4-D, dicamba, Osprey, Harmony Extra, and Axial XL are usually for either grassy weeds or broadleaf, although Anthem Flex, Zidua, and Osprey do provide control of broadleaf weeds.


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