Seafood Dealers Say Crawfish Season Could Be Among The Best Ever


Anna Thibodeaux, St. Charles Herald

Thanks to a plentiful supply and prices dropping, Erik Donnaud of the Seafood Pot in Destrehan expects one of the best years for crawfish that he’s ever seen.

“It’s looking great,” Donnaud said. “It’s very plentiful.”

Both Donnaud and Willie Hebert, owner of Hebert’s Seafood in Boutte, say the price is already down $2 a pound for crawfish from the same time last year. Donnaud added this tells him that there’s a lot of crawfish on the market.

“Crawfish prices are cheaper than I’ve seen in 15 years,” Donnaud said. “It seems like there’s crawfish everywhere. All signs point to a real good year.”

At the Crawfish Pot, boiled crawfish are selling for $4.79 a pound and $2.99 a pound live. He expects those prices to fall by next week.

At Hebert’s, the price is $2.99 live and $4.99 boiled.

“It’s looking good,” Hebert said. “Everybody’s getting their little fix and, when the price starts coming down, they’ll start doing the home boils.”

Donnaud said the price dropped $1 a pound last week, which is rare. It typically drops around 25 cents.


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