New Cotton Disease Headed to Louisiana... Maybe
A relatively new disease has been confirmed in cotton fields in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida that has the potential to devastate a crop.
The disease is spread by aphids, mostly on late planted cotton, and is called Cotton Leafroll Dwarf Virus (or just CLRDV).
LSU AgCenter Extension Service Plant Pathologist Dr. Trey Price says even though the disease hasn’t reached Louisiana yet, it’s still nothing to panic over.
“I would say if they found it in Mississippi it’s only a matter of time before we find it her in Louisiana,” said Price. “I don’t think it’s any reason to cause a big panic, it’s just something to look out for. The disease losses in Brazil, I’ve seen estimates in some varieties that were fairly alarming, upwards of 80% down there. But it’s just a different production system down there and it’s just a different ballgame than Louisiana. So we’ll just have to see. We are definitely keeping an eye out for it.”
Price points out Louisiana has “some of the best cotton consultants in the world and I think if it were here or had been herein years past we could have found it.”