Beltwide Cotton Conference Opens in New Orleans
The Beltwide Cotton Conference, coordinated by the National Cotton Council in Memphis, opens today at the New Orleans Marriott and will run through Thursday.
The conference is designed to provide insight on current research and emerging technology in order to help attendees improve production, processing and marketing efficiency.
The Beltwide annually brings together university and U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers, extension personnel and agents, consultants and industry sales and support personnel.
The conference opens at noon today with the half-day Cotton Consultants Conference. Among scheduled topics selected by the consultant community are discussions on bollworm and Bt resistance, objectives of cover crop initiatives, status and new products pertaining to nematodes, the current state of integrated pest management in cotton and future considers, the status of boll weevil eradication in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and a product registration update.
The Beltwide cotton technical conferences, which will provide updates on research and a look into the technology pipeline, will meet concurrently starting tomorrow morning and concluding at noon on Thursday.